For those wishing to become involved with motor sport, but not as a competitor.

You don’t need any special skills or qualifications, just common sense and to be a motorsport enthusiast. Motorsport is one of the most exciting sports there is and you can be right at the heart of the action as a Marshal. You may be mustering cars for the next race at a circuit or checking competitors through a control on a rally.
The list of jobs is long and varied – that’s why marshaling is never boring. To organise any Motorsport event requires a small army of volunteers, usually many more than the number of competitors.

Without Marshals, motorsports cannot happen

Marshals carry out a wide range of duties, all of which contribute to the overall efficiency and success of the event. Marshals, whatever they are doing, are serving a useful purpose and contributing to the success of the event and the smooth running of the organisation.

Are you interested to become a Marshal?

Please fill the form below and we will get back to you

    Marshals Training Course

    Marshaling can enhance your understanding of the sport

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    • Incident Marshals/Fire Marshals: Safety of the post, types of fire extinguishers, what burns on a car, dealing with fires (including practical training), vehicle recovery and use of radios.
    • Flag Marshals: How to convey information to drivers using flags. Types of flags used, how to assist the Observer with relevant first hand reports.
    • Observers: How to co-ordinate the actions of all Officials in the sector, reporting of incidents post management and the positioning of Officials in appointed locations.
    • Specialist Marshals: Pits, Paddock and Start line, enforcing meeting regulations, reports and safety standards, the clearing of unauthorized personnel from areas prior to and during the event.
    • Extrication: Training in specialist techniques in the removal of an injured driver from a car and how this team works in conjunction with the Rescue Team.
    Frequently asked Questions about Marshals

    Marshall will give you the knowledge of how a race is run and increase your enjoyment

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    • What is a Marshal?
      Someone who is interested in Motorsport and who wants to be involved in the sport without directly competing.
    • What does a Marshal do?
      This can encompass many aspects linked with the organization and running of motorsport events – from club meetings to Grand Prix, from grass tracks to circuit racing.
    • Who can become a Marshal?
      Almost anyone. As long as you are of average health. Age Restriction: 16+.
    • Are Marshals Paid?
      Yes & No. All Marshals are volunteers who enjoy being part of Motorsport, but are provided with an allowance.
    • Do you need prior training or experience?
      No, we provide starter training for all Marshals. Training done by a Marshal can also be very useful in many other activities and areas away from the Dubai Autodrome
    • Additional benefits to being a Marshal include:
      Having the best view possible Experiencing a great day out Learning new skills Meeting new people
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